You know I’ve known WELEDA since my childhood. WELEDA products are grown bio dynamically and are certified by DEMETER. Both Demeter and Weleda had been founded by Rudolf Steiner the founder of Anthroposophy. He had several impulses that he has shared with other people who then further his research. In my family the arnica range had it’s place for smaller bruises and cuts so did the WELEDA homeopathic remedies for blood pressure and the cough syrup. All this together, made me join WELEDA as a consultant. Today, I will start a series about Biodynamic Gardening and Demeter over this week.
What is the difference between organic and biodynamic?
There are lots of similarities between organics and biodynamics such as growing healthy nutritious vegetables and herbs, not using synthetic fertilizers and sprays, encouraging beneficial wildlife into the garden, supporting biodiversity and taking good care of the soil.
However, biodynamics also offers a more holistic approach and takes account of the wider context of the plant, garden or farm. Biodynamic growers tune into nature’s rhythms and natural systems, which in turn cultivates a deeper personal connection with nature.
The Weleda gardens have been certified to Demeter standards for over 35 years, which means that we comply with the most rigorous standards on the worldwide organic crop-growing scene. Fundamental to biodynamics are the ‘BD’ preparations which act as catalysts for the co-creation of healthy living soil, compost and plants. We also aim to create a self-sufficient garden by making our own plant-based compost, saving our own seeds and ensuring we encourage as many different habitats as possible (ie ponds, meadows, woodland edges) to create a truly biodiverse environment.
What makes biodynamics so special?
Biodynamic gardening comes out of the ideas of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner and has ecological, ethical, social and spiritual roots. Steiner’s philosophy (called Anthroposophy) suggests that the human being is fundamentally a spiritual being, intimately connected to the earth and cosmos. So biodynamic gardening rather uniquely offers a practical but also spiritual approach to growing.
As Rudolf Steiner said: “There’s no matter without spirit and no spirit without matter.”