WELEDA Wellbeing Advisor

Recently I have made the decision to join the Weleda Wellbeing Advisor group. So what does a Weleda Wellbeing Advisor do? It is a holistic position advising customers on Weleda skin care products and homeopathic medicines. Those products are all produced and marketed by Weleda that has been founded in Switzerland by Dr. Ita Wegman and Rudolf Steiner in 1921. Rudolf Steiner is the founder of Anthroprosophy and Bio Dynamic Gardening. Weleda uses 98.9% organically grown products to produce their products, it is cruelty free and based on latest research. The UK office of Weleda was founded in 1925. Today Weleda has a Garden you can visit and creates new products based on scientific research and development. Weleda products are sold world wide. I will in due course write more about Weleda and my experience with the company. My training has just started and the main induction is going to be on Monday. My new business cards have arrived too. So yes I have created those nice looking cards myself and I am really happy with the outcome. I have printed them myself at my office and used my card cutter to cut them. So everything is home made. I have also ordered the Weleda Starter Pack and topped it up with the missing items from the starter pack to complete the product lines that there were. 

My Designs

I’ve mentioned before that I have updated my website and in my Etsy Shop there is quite a few designs I’ve already created, On Etsy there are mostly my clothing line, mugs and flasks. I have uploaded some of my older last year and 2022 designs and some of the new designs I have made the last two weeks. I know this could really work out nice but we have to see. The PrideMug website that has all my pride designs now also has a Shopify website and mobile store. I know not everyone agrees with my Pride designs and I have received a massive shitstorm on Facebook but honestly I don’t care. Those are my designs and I stand by them. They are one part of me and I like to be creative and do what is unexpected. This is why I have decided to separate those two brands. Also on MWP-Design you see all the print designs I do for flyers business cards postcards. I am not limited to Clothing. The likely hood people are reading this blog is slim and this is also something I don’t care about. I do it for me and for my benefit. It show’s how far I have come. The company setup in the US is also going ahead. I have setup the phone number already and the street address is in the works. It is all taking time and does not go from one day to the other.

From Hot Water Bottle to Fan

Ever since I moved from London to Whitley Bay some 3 years ago I’ve always felt cold at home. My home never reached more than 8 to 10C in the spring/summer without adding heating. Even with the heating on it’s never been more than 17c/20C. so quite cold and most of the time I used to sit at home around with two jumpers on or two pairs of socks or a hot water bottle or a blanket. Whenever I went to bed even during the summer I went to sleep with a hot water bottle to keep warm. A couple weeks ago a friend at work suggested to buy two Dehumidifiers one for the back and one for the front of the apartment. The two should solve the problem and you should get a warm apartment my work colleague said. It has worked miracles really. I’ve had those two dehumidifiers work day and night and in general I need to empty the water bucket twice a day and they are full each time, and the average temperature in the apartment went up to 20-24C without everything. No need for putting the heating on or sitting with a hot water bottle. Having grown up with Air Condition in all rooms ever since I can remember, I’ve not been used to the concept of Dehumidifiers in a home as an air condition filters humidity automatically and that was something totally new to me. But it has worked. the last couple nights it was so hot in the apartment I was sweating. That has never happened to me before since I moved here from London I was always cold. Honestly I’m rather hot than cold and I had to open the windows during the night and turn the dehumidifier off because google said it won’t work properly with the window open. It is one amazing experience. as I said I got two of them, one is sitting in my living room that works for the living room, kitchen and entrance hall and the other one is standing in the back hall and covers the two bed and bathrooms and the office. It cost me something in the £500’ds to buy them both but it was a really good investment and I expect my gas bill to go down as I won’t need to put on the heating in the evening as I had before. I always had the heating on even in the summer from 4am to 7:30 and from 7:30 to 10:00pm. At the same time saying that maybe my electricity bill might go up because the two machines are running almost 24/7. But I am getting the humidity levels down. when I started off the humidity was at 75% to 90%. Now it is down to 55 – 60% which is a great improvement.  How do you like my Blog? Please before you go leave a comment on my blog to let me know you were here.


Hey ya’ll. I hope you had an as amazing Sunday as I did today. It was a perfect day sleeping in, taking a walk with Ralf along the coast of Whitley Bay. I love those days and I really love taking walks along the beach or coast. It was amazingly sunny and pretty warm with about 23C that’s about 73F, it wasn’t too hot or too cold just right. Like a mild sunny day in spring at home. But considering that we’re already in September it was great. Weather here in Whitley Bay is not really what I call in my comfort zone, it’s ways toooo cold for me. The hottest day we had this summer was 25C that is what we have in April at home, it’s usually quite cold here. The only really nice thing is the sea and beach. However unlike in Miami you can’t swim in the sea because the water is too cold. Living here for me is a big compromise, and I would trade it for Miami, or Los Angeles, or Texas any time. When it comes to temperature my comfort zone is starting at 24c or 75F below that it’s not really something I like I can tolerate it as I can put multiply layers on but nothing I would choose really.  If you like my blog, just share it with your friends. Can I please ask you to leave a comment??? Let’s see who’s first.

Another Post today

Probably you’re getting bored but I must admit I think that no one really reads my blog except myself. But that’s okay it’s a great tool to express myself and to write stuff down that’s on my mind. It’s the first day of my annual leave and I already regrett I did not book more than 5 days off. But that’s something I can’t change right now… Some of you know that I’m part of a dating platform called Mutual. I’ve over time written with a couple ladies but nothing seemed to have been working out so I’m really thinking about deleting my profile maybe I am meant to stay single who knows but at times it’s really frustrating. There’s so much really I want to share but I guess I can share it with my blog. It would be really nice to have someone to go out with and do things together or plan things… we’ll never mind. As you know my Mum is visiting and I enjoy her being here. I mean at least my Guest bedroom is getting used and she likes the “Paris” room as I call it because it is furnished and decorated to remind me on when I lived in Paris. I too really like the room. It is small but cosy. However sometimes I wish she’d pack her bags and go back home again soon… But she is going to stay while her house is getting renovated in Vienna because she does not like the dust and noise from the construction work that is ongoing for at least the next 12 months. So lets hope they finish quicker than that… Guest Bedroom – Paris As I said the Paris room is a really nice and cosy room I like it a lot and it is the guest bedroom in my apartment. I think I decorated it okay… What you think? The black dress picture is an original design from a fashion company and I was lucky to get it. Then I found the Paris picture with the fall leaves and the Eiffel Tower light and the crystal ceiling light complement the room. I really do like it….  If you’re wondering what this blog is about, it is about me and me alone. Nothing to do with my business, or anything this is just my way to write things down to share what I think is