Back to normal

This website, my blog is back to normal. It has been running on my backup server for a week as the main server has been out of order. I’ve now finished re-installing the operating system Debian on the server Ingrid and setup a new server control panel called Keyhelp Pro. It is running much more secure than the previous Ubuntu with cPanel. I am really sorry for the issues that were caused through the server outage. Over the next weeks all the sites are going to be moving back to Ingrid and the backup server New York will be doing what t’s supposed to do backups.


Hi all! I am really sorry for any inconvenience some of you had over the past week. There has been an outage on my server and some pretty hefty issues. My server 1 Ingrid had a encountered a virus infection and the control panel I used on this server Ingrid was cPanel and that had a malfunction too. So the whole Ubuntu system has been affected and the server went down. Unfortunately some of the content of this Blog had gone missing and the layout has reverted back to the 2023 layout. I really apologise for this. I will be working hard to get the site back to what it had been. Many of the blog articles are restored. The BROOLED website is back online too. This site has not been affected so much as the rest of the domains. All content is there and all products and the whole layout is there too. I have tested the website today and the functionality is still working as it should be. Thank goodness. The Website is fully offline as the database had been lost during the outage and I will need to get the site done new. Unfortunately it will take some time to get this site back up. is still being investigated. At the moment it looks like the site design is still there and the online designer where you can design and upload your designs to get them printed is working too. The site should be back shortly. has been fallen ill to the virus and the whole site design and content seems to have been lost. It will need to be fully recreated and it can take some time until the website is back online. I am very sorry for this. At this time all sites working or not have been migrated to my 2 server New York. The server is a bit small to host all the sites but it is secure and uses Debian OS with Keyhelp as it’s control panel. Once the server Ingrid has been restored fully it will be hosting Debian operating System (OS) and Keyhelp as Control Panel. Working websites will be one by one migrated back to Ingrid once they are working and New York will server it’s original purpose again as trial and backup server. Again, I am very sorry for this to have happened but it was beyond my control.