Good evening everyone! This is a really difficult post to make, but it’s important to ask… I would like to ask you all to Donate to the blog any I am going to explain in this article why. Don’t worry it’s not for me or the upkeep of the blog even though it costs me £150 a month to run it but that’s nothing really. No it is something that is really important for me. Food for all I’m not rich and you don’t have to be to help others. I have started during the pandemic to cook vegetarian meals for people who can’t afford biodynamic, organic, vegetarian meals. At the moment I am preparing roughly 30 to 40 free meals per week. Those meals I cook fresh, and I usually make a 3 course meal mostly soup or starter, main course and sometimes a dessert. I pay this out of my own pocket and sometimes I get organic food donations from a friend and a local company selling biodynamic produce. I could really do with some donations to get more money to help more people. There are so many that can not afford to buy the food they need and with some extra money I could help more people. Health Currently I am having two people that I support with their medical bills. Most of it I pay for their prescriptions in the pharmacy as they do not have the money to pay for them. There are currently three people I can’t help as their medical bills would exceed my possibilities. One person has a dental bill of 25K that she needs help with and the other person needs help with post surgery cost. The post surgery costs, for recovery and rehabilitation that is not covered by the NHS will be coming to 15K. As I am trying very hard to help those people I have already decided that 10% of my sales for Mugs, and Weleda will go to help them. I’m just worried really that I won’t be able to cover all the cost for this by using the 10%. Please if you think you can spare a one time donation or a regular standing order please do so. If you can’t that’s okay too just ignore the article.