My Designs

I’ve mentioned before that I have updated my website and in my Etsy Shop there is quite a few designs I’ve already created, On Etsy there are mostly my clothing line, mugs and flasks. I have uploaded some of my older last year and 2022 designs and some of the new designs I have made the last two weeks. I know this could really work out nice but we have to see. The PrideMug website that has all my pride designs now also has a Shopify website and mobile store. I know not everyone agrees with my Pride designs and I have received a massive shitstorm on Facebook but honestly I don’t care. Those are my designs and I stand by them. They are one part of me and I like to be creative and do what is unexpected. This is why I have decided to separate those two brands. Also on MWP-Design you see all the print designs I do for flyers business cards postcards. I am not limited to Clothing. The likely hood people are reading this blog is slim and this is also something I don’t care about. I do it for me and for my benefit. It show’s how far I have come. The company setup in the US is also going ahead. I have setup the phone number already and the street address is in the works. It is all taking time and does not go from one day to the other.

What’s happening with Pridemug?

Hey everyone.  I’ve used the easter weekend to update the website. I’ve decided to re-open my Etsy Shop, and attach the domains and to the shop and create a pattern website to host my Etsy shop. I thought I reconnect Etsy because some people use it and it gives my designs a wider audience. I still have to figure out how to better sort the products and avoid that the same designs appear twice on the main page like as a mug or as a T-shirt… The reason I’ve stopped using Etsy was that the fees are really high when you sell something and you have to pay on top for showcasing a product on the website and for the website itself. So it’s most likely a minus each month unless you get lots of orders but then the fees are also a lot.  I have also started a Shopify store this easter weekend. All the pride products I have created are already online in Shopify, Shopify and my own website will have the same items because as soon as I create them they will go online there because there are no extra fees for adding a new product. I hope that because of the way Shopify works I will get more exposure and have people buy my designs and t-shirts. Also the other designs will come online bit by bit. I have made more than 600 designs and not all of them are yet on a T-Shirt or coffee mug. is still showing my own website and blog and you can create your own design there for free and I will print it or select one of my many created designs. The Shopify store is being found at