Feeling great

As you know I have left my old employment at the end of March and I had a lot of time to myself and to relax. I’ve used the time to have a great Birthday on the 3rd just with myself and my Mum. It’s been a really good time. Eating my favourite food, then some Gelato and enjoying my apartment.

I can also say that all the anxiety and depression I was suffering from over the months that had been caused my my former team leader has now fully gone away and I feel so much more better. It’s been weeks of change, enabling a better lifestyle and enjoying the time with myself and my dog. At the end when you compare I moved to Whitley Bay 4 years ago I had an empty apartment and slept on the floor for weeks because the bed I wanted had a delivery time, look at my apartment now it’s fully done and carpeted, the garden is in a good condition and garden furniture. I’ve spent about 11K over the past 4 years in doing this place up to my standard. There is a lot I can be happy and thankful about.

About the author

Mark Pammesberger,
Digital marketer, entrepreneur and world citizen.

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