So sad, my aunt has passed away

Today we that is my Mum and I had news from home in Vienna that my Aunt Larissa has passed away over night. She had been ill for some time and has been in hospice care for over a month now. They could not tell us how long she would be there but we knew it would be sooner or later that we have to say good bye. Larissa and I have not always been friends in fact we have not spoken for a while because I was offended by some of her words but we had spoken for a very last time in January this year and she spoke really softly and kindly. My Mum also said that she had always asked about me. We as a family are all working now together to organise that we all can come together in Vienna for a farewell. At this point I am really sad and I can’t really comprehend what has happened yet. So I better stop.

Feeling great

As you know I have left my old employment at the end of March and I had a lot of time to myself and to relax. I’ve used the time to have a great Birthday on the 3rd just with myself and my Mum. It’s been a really good time. Eating my favourite food, then some Gelato and enjoying my apartment. I can also say that all the anxiety and depression I was suffering from over the months that had been caused my my former team leader has now fully gone away and I feel so much more better. It’s been weeks of change, enabling a better lifestyle and enjoying the time with myself and my dog. At the end when you compare I moved to Whitley Bay 4 years ago I had an empty apartment and slept on the floor for weeks because the bed I wanted had a delivery time, look at my apartment now it’s fully done and carpeted, the garden is in a good condition and garden furniture. I’ve spent about 11K over the past 4 years in doing this place up to my standard. There is a lot I can be happy and thankful about.

Dr Ita Wegmann

Dr Ita Wegmann Today I want to share about Mrs Ita Wegman. When I was in school she was one of my heroes when we learned about her and Weleda. She was the founding member of Weleda company in Switzerland and together with her mentor Rudolf Steiner developed homeopathic medicines, a way of massage called Rhythmic massage and she set in stone what today is known as the Ita Wegman Hospital in Bern Switzerland and what today is the modern Weleda company. Ita Wegmamn was born in February 1876, and in 1921 she co-founded anthroprosophic medicine together with Rudolf Steiner the founder of Anthroposophy. Alongside Rhythmic Massage Mrs Wegman also founded other anthroprosophic treatments. Ita Wegman, as she was known throughout her life, was born as Maria Ita Wegman in 1876 in Karawang, West Java, the first child of a Dutch colonial family. Around the turn of the century, she returned to Europe (she had visited before) and studied therapeutic gymnastics and massage. In 1902, when she was 26, she met Rudolf Steiner for the first time. Five years later, she began medical school at the University of Zurich, where women were not discriminated to study medicine. She was granted a diploma as a medical doctor in 1911 with a specialization in women’s medicine and joined an existing medical practice. In 1917, having opened an independent practice, she developed a cancer treatment using an extract of mistletoe following indications from Steiner. This first remedy, which she called Iscar, was later developed into Iscador and has become an complementary cancer treatment in Germany and a number of other countries, and is undergoing clinical trials in the U.S.A. There is no evidence that Iscador heals cancer or improves the quality of life of cancer patients. By 1919 she had a joint practice together with two other doctors, also women. In 1920 she purchased land in Arlesheim, where she opened her own clinic, the Klinisch-Therapeutisches Institut, or Clinical-Therapeutic Institute, the next year. A number of other doctors joined the institute, which grew steadily over the next years as a first center for anthroposophical medicine. In 1922 she founded a therapeutic home for mentally disabled children, Haus Sonnenhof, also in Arlesheim, and co-founded a pharmaceutical laboratory, Weleda, that has since grown into a significant producer of medicines and health-care products. In the following year, Rudolf Steiner asked Wegman to join the Executive Council of the newly reformed Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. She also directed the Medical Section of the research center at the Goetheanum. Together, Wegman and Steiner wrote what was to be Steiner’s last book, Extending Practical Medicine (earlier editions were published as Fundamentals of Therapy), which gave a theoretical basis to the new medicine they were developing. The book was partly written while Wegman cared for Steiner, who was already terminally ill. Wegman founded a new medical journal, Natura, the following year. By 1919 she had a joint practice together with two other doctors, also women. In 1920 she purchased land in Arlesheim, where she opened her own clinic, the Klinisch-Therapeutisches Institut, or Clinical-Therapeutic Institute, the next year. A number of other doctors joined the institute, which grew steadily over the next years as a first center for anthroposophical medicine. In 1922 she founded a therapeutic home for mentally disabled children, Haus Sonnenhof, also in Arlesheim, and co-founded a pharmaceutical laboratory, Weleda, that has since grown into a significant producer of medicines and health-care products. In the following year, Rudolf Steiner asked Wegman to join the Executive Council of the newly reformed Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. She also directed the Medical Section of the research center at the Goetheanum. Together, Wegman and Steiner wrote what was to be Steiner’s last book, Extending Practical Medicine (earlier editions were published as Fundamentals of Therapy), which gave a theoretical basis to the new medicine they were developing. The book was partly written while Wegman cared for Steiner, who was already terminally ill. Wegman founded a new medical journal, Natura, the following year. In 1936, the clinic opened a second home in Ascona, Switzerland. Shortly thereafter, difficulties between Wegman and the rest of the Executive Council flared up, and Wegman was asked to leave the council; in addition, she and a number of supporters had their membership in the Anthroposophical Society itself withdrawn. The medical work flourished, however, and Wegman travelled extensively in support of the rapidly growing movement to extend medicine’s limits; she was especially active in the Netherlands and England during this time. Wegman died in Arlesheim in 1943, at the age of 67.

WELEDA Wellbeing Advisor

Recently I have made the decision to join the Weleda Wellbeing Advisor group. So what does a Weleda Wellbeing Advisor do? It is a holistic position advising customers on Weleda skin care products and homeopathic medicines. Those products are all produced and marketed by Weleda that has been founded in Switzerland by Dr. Ita Wegman and Rudolf Steiner in 1921. Rudolf Steiner is the founder of Anthroprosophy and Bio Dynamic Gardening. Weleda uses 98.9% organically grown products to produce their products, it is cruelty free and based on latest research. The UK office of Weleda was founded in 1925. Today Weleda has a Garden you can visit and creates new products based on scientific research and development. Weleda products are sold world wide. I will in due course write more about Weleda and my experience with the company. My training has just started and the main induction is going to be on Monday. My new business cards have arrived too. So yes I have created those nice looking cards myself and I am really happy with the outcome. I have printed them myself at my office and used my card cutter to cut them. So everything is home made. I have also ordered the Weleda Starter Pack and topped it up with the missing items from the starter pack to complete the product lines that there were. 

Am I Boring?

Hey’ll hope ya all having a great Sunday. So I’ve received my WELEDA wellness advisor starter package in the mail and I made an unboxing video and shared it on my Facebook and TikTok channels.  Speaking with a friend today she said that my blog is dry and boring! What do you guys think. What should I change?  I’ve tried to make it as interesting as possible and share what is important and has happened. I mean maybe I am boring and that’s why I’m single. Let me know in the comments below what you think.  Over the next weeks I’ll talk a little more about the new Weleda advisor role I’ve started this week.  Have a good Sunday. I’ll see you here next week.

My Designs

I’ve mentioned before that I have updated my website and in my Etsy Shop there is quite a few designs I’ve already created, On Etsy there are mostly my clothing line, mugs and flasks. I have uploaded some of my older last year and 2022 designs and some of the new designs I have made the last two weeks. I know this could really work out nice but we have to see. The PrideMug website that has all my pride designs now also has a Shopify website and mobile store. I know not everyone agrees with my Pride designs and I have received a massive shitstorm on Facebook but honestly I don’t care. Those are my designs and I stand by them. They are one part of me and I like to be creative and do what is unexpected. This is why I have decided to separate those two brands. Also on MWP-Design you see all the print designs I do for flyers business cards postcards. I am not limited to Clothing. The likely hood people are reading this blog is slim and this is also something I don’t care about. I do it for me and for my benefit. It show’s how far I have come. The company setup in the US is also going ahead. I have setup the phone number already and the street address is in the works. It is all taking time and does not go from one day to the other.

Mutual another try

Sitting in general conference session on this Saturday I’ve decided to fine the mutual dating site another try and subscribed for another six months. Last time I was on the site it was full of crazy woman, scammers and liars. Let’s see what the site is like this time around.  Don’t get me wrong I would love to find someone who is from Utah to spend time together walk hand in hand with while enjoying the scenery at Zion’s national park or just have a stroll through down town salt lake but the likely hood of that happening is slim. I’d also love to find someone to live in Miami or in fact any other place I think I’m getting to a point where I miss someone at my side.  It’s incredible how many people swiped up on me in just the first 24 hours however those who answered my first message remain slim. So am I doing the right thing? Speaking to my mum about it between sessions she said no risk no fun and sometimes you have to take risks in life. Yes I know and I know the right person is out there somewhere. Maybe I’m just too comfortable at the moment. I rather design new shirts and mugs right now they don’t hurt and embarrass you they either sell or don’t. Hmm what a marvellous work and a wonder president Hinckley once said and indeed looking back at the conference it was.

Last-day at work

It’s been coming for quite some time, and I’ve been unhappy and been bullied and put down by my current team leader. Today has definitely been my last day and I’m having the freedom now to do what I think is best for me. I’m a bit sad that I could not tell some people that I really valued with in the Faith and Belief Network and in the Union. However the Union is aware of me leaving as I had representation from them. It’s not what I wanted. I wish I could tell you everything but the NDA prevents that. I’m happy to say that the people who supported me are still my friends. I hope that will not change.

Work is nasty right now

For the last 12 months I had the most horrible team leader at work. She is a nightmare. It caused me to get depressed and develop anxiety and bad sleep during the night waking up several times fearing I got to go back to work the next day. The whole environment has been really toxic for over a year and I am really looking to change companies. It’s been the most amazing place to work for two years until team leaders and HEO changed and became worse every month. The only reason I hold out at the job is that I have other duties such as PCS Union Representative on Wednesday and Thursday and the Faith & Belief Network on a Friday. Those are the only reasons I keep this job. It’s mostly because on those 3 days I work with the most amazing people. This job is stressing me a lot at the moment and is playing with my mental health and I know it’s something I need to think about. However, the job is secure I mean it’s not paying great but it is paying, but is it worth it at the end of the day?