Demeter Biodynamic® Farm and Processing Standards

The first Farm Standard was written in Germany in 1928 following Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course.  Its purpose was to codify what Steiner had presented in his lectures and ensure its adherence through a strict certification program.   The Farm Standard is historically significant because it dates back to the beginning of the modern sustainable farming movement, and captures key agronomic principles not comprehensively addressed within any other agriculture certification system. Here in the United States, it provides the legal definition of “Biodynamic” through the certification mark.  Sections of the Farm Standard include necessary elements of the farm organism, soil fertility management, crop protection, greenhouse management, animal welfare, and the use of the preparations.  Biological diversity within the farm landscape is emphasized, and requires that a minimum of ten percent of the total farm acreage be set-aside as a biodiversity preserve.  That may include but is not limited to forests, wetlands, riparian corridors, and intentionally planted insectaries.  Diversity in crop rotation and perennial planting is required: no annual crop can be planted in the same field for more than two years in succession.  Bare tillage year round is prohibited so land needs to maintain adequate green cover.  The Farm Standard instructs that the foundation of the fertility system, and strategies for disease, insect, and weed control, must originate from the farm itself.  Fertility is generated via the integration of livestock, compost and green manure, nutrient catch crops, and careful crop rotation.  Disease and insect control are addressed through botanical species diversity, predator habitat, balanced crop nutrition, and attention to light penetration and airflow.   Weed control emphasizes prevention, including timing of planting, mulching, and identifying and avoiding the spread of invasive weed species.  The use of the preparations is a requirement of the Farm Standard.  There are nine in all, made from herbs, mineral substances and animal manures, that are utilized in field sprays and compost inoculants applied in minute doses, much like homeopathic remedies are for humans.  Timely applications revitalize the soil and stimulate root growth, enhance the development of microorganisms and humus formation, and aid in photosynthetic activity. The crops resulting from a certified Biodynamic farm are themselves certified (for example Biodynamic tomatoes), but in order to produce a certified processed product  (for example pasta sauce) the product must be produced in accordance with the Demeter Biodynamic® Processing Standard.  There are sixteen different processing standard categories (compared to one for the entire National Organic Program), including wine, cheese, olive oil, dairy and body care.  The Processing Standard is very important because it guarantees an unbroken chain of accountability from the farm to the finished product, and delivers a product that allows for the integrity and purity of the agricultural ingredients to define it.

Recognized as a holistic, ecological, and ethical farming system, biodynamic agriculture includes gardening, food and nutrition, as well.

What does an 80-year old, German farm have to do with Weleda? Everything. Literally and figuratively, the roots of Weleda’s NATRUE certified skin care grow in that very special soil. The teachings of biodynamic agriculture, a form of alternative agriculture similar to organic farming, is based on the ideas of Weleda’s founder, Dr. Rudolf Steiner. Developed in the 1920s, it was one of the first agriculture movements. Recognized as a holistic, ecological, and ethical farming system, biodynamic agriculture includes gardening, food and nutrition, as well. The teachings of biodynamically-centered agriculture have been practiced worldwide for nearly a century.The basic idea is that the farm itself is a living organism—a self-sustaining system that creates and sustains life, and supports and heals itself.   If it sounds like the principles Steiner applied to how the skin functions, it is because it is the same concept of self-healing and growth. At a glance, it is easy to see why biodynamic practices support NATRUE certified personal care. Why Biodynamic Practices are Better: Helps support body’s balance and vitality Yields plants full of essential vitamins, minerals Helps support the body’s own balancing system to deal with food/environmental allergies and chemical sensitivities Farming based on biodynamic practices do no harm to the planet Little has changed in Weleda’s gardens, because of our commitment to our founding principles. Our 50 acres of Biodynamic® gardens in Germany— The Weleda Biodynamic Gardens in Schwabisch Gmund, Germany – are one of the largest in Europe.   These kind of pure farming practices make for high-quality Weleda products. These principles are in Weleda’s roots and continue to motivate us today. As always, thanks for reading my Blog. If you like it, comment on it or share it. I love to hear from you and what you would like to read about. Until next time. Mark

What is the difference between organic and biodynamic?

You know I’ve known WELEDA since my childhood. WELEDA products are grown bio dynamically and are certified by DEMETER. Both Demeter and Weleda had been founded by Rudolf Steiner the founder of Anthroposophy. He had several impulses that he has shared with other people who then further his research. In my family the arnica range had it’s place for smaller bruises and cuts so did the WELEDA homeopathic remedies for blood pressure and the cough syrup. All this together, made me join WELEDA as a consultant. Today, I will start a series about Biodynamic Gardening and Demeter over this week. What is the difference between organic and biodynamic? There are lots of similarities between organics and biodynamics such as growing healthy nutritious vegetables and herbs, not using synthetic fertilizers and sprays, encouraging beneficial wildlife into the garden, supporting biodiversity and taking good care of the soil. However, biodynamics also offers a more holistic approach and takes account of the wider context of the plant, garden or farm. Biodynamic growers tune into nature’s rhythms and natural systems, which in turn cultivates a deeper personal connection with nature. The Weleda gardens have been certified to Demeter standards for over 35 years, which means that we comply with the most rigorous standards on the worldwide organic crop-growing scene. Fundamental to biodynamics are the ‘BD’ preparations which act as catalysts for the co-creation of healthy living soil, compost and plants. We also aim to create a self-sufficient garden by making our own plant-based compost, saving our own seeds and ensuring we encourage as many different habitats as possible (ie ponds, meadows, woodland edges) to create a truly biodiverse environment. What makes biodynamics so special? Biodynamic gardening comes out of the ideas of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner and has ecological, ethical, social and spiritual roots. Steiner’s philosophy (called Anthroposophy) suggests that the human being is fundamentally a spiritual being, intimately connected to the earth and cosmos. So biodynamic gardening rather uniquely offers a practical but also spiritual approach to growing. As Rudolf Steiner said: “There’s no matter without spirit and no spirit without matter.”

Arnica in Homeopathy

I’ve been growing up on Arnica at home. We always had all sorts of arnica remedies at home, most of them came from WELEDA. In Austria you can only get it at the pharmacy and for many arnica remedies you need a doctors prescription o it’s not something you can buy over the counter like here. We realise that the NHS is kind of behind in everything, there is lots of scientific evidence that Arnica has healing remedies. Arnica is used topically for a wide range of conditions, including bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, inflammation from insect bites, and swelling from broken bones. More recent studies suggest it may also be helpful in the treatment of burns. Is arnica as strong as ibuprofen? Arnica gel appeared to work nearly as well as Advil (ibuprofen). Benefits included reduced and improved joint function in people with hand osteoarthritis. More research is needed. How does arnica work so fast? The reason arnica works is because, like many plants, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, says Anderson. When arnica cream or arnica gel is applied, it stimulates circulation, helping the body’s own healing system react—which encourages some speedy relief. Medicinal Uses and Indications Available Forms Arnica is available in topical creams and ointments. It is most commonly found as a tincture, which can also be used as the base for compresses and poultices. Arnica oil may also be used in topical preparations. A number of homeopathic remedies are available in pill, topical, or injectable forms. How to Take It You should not take arnica by mouth without direct medical supervision, except in an extremely diluted form as a homeopathic remedy, because side effects may be severe (see “Precautions”). Use homeopathic products according to directions on the label or the advice of your homeopathic practitioner. Health care providers may give homeopathic preparations by injection. When using arnica topically, never apply it to an open wound without a doctor’s supervision. Pediatric You may also use homeopathic preparations to treat bruising, swelling, and trauma to soft tissues. Follow the dosage instructions on the product label or consult a licensed homeopath. Use only in homeopathic formulations. DO NOT use the herb itself. Adult Commercial preparations of creams, ointments, and lotions are available through some specialty stores and natural health providers. Homeopathic preparations are widely available at health food stores and many pharmacies. Precautions Arnica is generally safe when used on the skin. However, using it for a long time may irritate the skin, causing eczema, peeling, blisters, or other skin conditions. Arnica should not be used on broken skin, such as leg ulcers. In one study, researchers found that arnica used topically increased leg pain 24 hours after participants performed calf exercises. Also, people who are hypersensitive or allergic to the herb should avoid it. Arnica is rarely used as an internal herbal remedy because it can cause dizziness, tremors, and heart irregularities. It may also irritate mucous membranes and cause vomiting. Large doses can even be fatal. DO NOT take arnica by mouth except under close supervision of your doctor. You can generally take homeopathic remedies, which use extremely small amounts of arnica, safely. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid taking arnica, and ask your doctor before using it on your skin. Talk to your doctor before taking any medication, including herbs. Possible Interactions When used topically or in a homeopathic remedy, there are no known interactions with arnica and conventional medications. Supporting Research The world renowned Mount Sinai Hospital in New York is conducting clinically research in Arnica for over a decade and below is some of their supporting documents. Adkison JD. The effect of topical arnica on muscle pain. Ann Pharmacother. 2010;44(10):1579-84. Auerbach. Wilderness Medicine. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Mosby; 2011. Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000. Bolognia. Dermatology. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders; 2012. Brinkhaus B, Wilkens JM, Ludtke R, Hunger J, Witt CM, Willich SN. Homeopathic arnica therapy in patients receiving knee surgery: Results of three randomised double-blind trials. Complement Ther Med. 2006 Dec;14(4):237-46. Huber R. Bross F, Schempp C, Grundermann C. Arnica and stinging nettle for treating burns – a self-experiment. Complement Ther Med. 2011;19(5):276-80. Kotlus BS, Heringer DM, Dryden RM. Evaluation of Homeopathic Arnica montana for Ecchymosis After Upper Blepharoplasty: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind Study. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jul 29. [Epub ahead of print] Seeley BM, Denton AB, Ahn MS, Maas CS. Effect of homeopathic Arnica montana on bruising in face-lifts: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Jan-Feb;8(1):54-9. Sutovska M, Capek P, Kocmalova M, et al. Characterization and pharmacodynamic properties of Arnica montana complex. Int J Biol Macromol. 2014;69:214-21.

Esmerch Store

Today I have finished setting up the Essens Merchandise Website. It’s part of my MWP-Design Website but the products I created are all for Essens. Initially I made those for myself as I am an Essens partner and I needed some printed stuff for myself, because Essens did not have them available. So I sat down and made it myself. There is a variety of items I made such as business cards, loyalty cards, scratch cards, flyers and order forms. After I have been speaking to other people who work with Essens they have said that they would be interested in those items too and I should show them what I have made and had already designed. So I constantly had to send huge emails with images, Then I have decided to make a Website so that I can show it off and people can order directly from my website. I have also installed a online tool for people to make little changes, like adding their address, name, email, phone number, store link. I can print those directly at my office and send it off to the customer.

Not a big update but

It’s not a big update today but something I want to share with y’all. Ive made 3 new T-Shirt designs well OK two one is for myself and I think you can guess which one it is. The third one with the dog in the heart shape is flexible It can be used for a mug, t-shirt, or slate stone to remember a loved pet that has passed away. It is one of the most frequently requested designs and I thought I do one now that is available to anyone.  I will make them available on MWP-Design soon.

Website Update

This is going to be a short post today. I have made some updates to my website. The individual pages have had a massive update and I created galleries instead of single pictures to make it easier to read and in some cases I have re-formated the text and made it shorter or longer and some of the individual pages like the WELEDA page now shows the blog posts related to the page. It is supposed to give a better overview. Let me know what you think about those updates and if it improves my blog website. At this point I also want to thank all of you for reading and commenting my blog. Please if you like it spread the word. Mark

Uncle Waiting List

For the last 3 months I have been on the waiting list at Uncle in Wembley for a 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment. Up until today I am still waiting and I am really getting a bit upset but I can understand that no one is moving out and that Uncle can’t force people out if they extend their contract. Now I just have to keep waiting. Maybe in their new development that is going to be finished soon I can get something. My point is that I want an apartment that is on a higher floor up so speaking like 12 to 25th floor. I don’t want to be on a lower floor but also don’t want to be underneath the root terrace. So kind of in the middle up. All uncle had available lately was 3rd and 6th floor. So it just means I have to stay in Whitley Bay longer until something I want becomes available. I was hoping to move back to London in the summer…

Why Celebrities LOVE Weleda’s Skin Food Moisturiser

Celebrities can’t get enough of THIS £12.50 moisturiser. But what makes Weleda’s Skin Food so special? Weleda first introduced their totally natural, replenishing Skin Food cream in 1926. And it’s still going strong today!  An enriching balm to soothe and comfort skin that’s battered by daily stresses – from poor diet to pollution – Skin Food is your best defence against windier, colder weather, and is great for dry or rough skin that needs a treat. Elbows, we’re looking at you… Weleda Skin Food has become a travel essential for many jet setters. Ideal to protect and replenish skin that’s been blasted by air conditioning or on the ski slope in biting winds, it also helps restore radiance to lacklustre skin. A firm celebrity favourite For years Skin Food was somewhat of an industry beauty secret, but in the past decade has become a firm favourite with many high-profile celebrities. Skin Food’s enthusiastic fan club includes singers Anne-Marie, Adele, Birdy, Joss Stone and Rihanna; television presenters Laura Whitmore, Fearne Cotton, Amanda Holden, Claudia Winkleman and Anthea Turner; plus actresses Julia Roberts, Brooke Shields, Kerry Washington, Winona Ryder, Priyanka Chopra and Lili Taylor. For Anne-Marie’s make-up artist Emma Osborne it’s a staple in her kit: Weleda Skin Food is my go-to product for a fresh glow. I love to add a touch to the high points of the face i.e. cheekbones/brow bones for that dewy glossy finish. For my clients it’s a must-have beauty essential”. Top models and fashionistas Alexa Chung, Suki Waterhouse, Victoria Beckham, Helena Christensen, Carolyn Murphy, Chandra North, Doutzen Kroes, Jacquelyn Jablonski, Angela Lindvall, Jessica Stam, Claudia Barila, Behati Prinsloo, Lyndsey Wixson, Dree Hemingway, Karen Ferrari, David Gandy and Andrew Cooper are all fans too. My absolute MUST is Weleda Skin Food which I apply all over my body! It smells so fresh and uplifting too and I never leave the house without it” – Model Erin O’Connor All of skin Food’s ingredients are NATRUE certified: all natural and include extracts of organic chamomile, calendula and wild pansy to soothe rough skin, plus rosemary to revitalise dull complexions. This deep-penetrating cream also contains natural plant oils and waxes known for their richness and gentleness. The refreshing fragrance is from pure essential oils including sweet orange and lavandulae, so artificial preservatives or parabens are not needed. It’s just what your skin has been waiting for. Shop WELEDA products here

Karl König Founder of Camphill

Karl König 1902-1966: Biography Dr Karl König (1902-66) was an Austrian physician, author and lecturer. In 1938, König fled the Nazi invasion of Austria and settled near Aberdeen, Scotland. It was here that he founded what became the Camphill movement in 1940. Based on the educational ideas of Rudolf Steiner, this network of special education schools for children and villages for adults with developmental needs are now established throughout Britain, Europe, North and South America, and southern Africa. He was also working very closely with Dr Ita Wegmann, the founder of the Anthroposophical Medical and cosmetic company WELEDA.  Karl König’s Early Life Karl König was born on September 25th 1902 in Vienna, Austria, the only son of a Jewish family who owned a shoeshop. He studied zoology, biology and medicine at the University of Vienna, graduating in 1927. During König’s studies on embryology, he encountered the works of Rudolf Steiner through Goethe’s scientific writings. König immediately identified with Steiner and was soon acquainted with a number of his followers, including Ita Wegman. Upon graduation, König was offered several high-profile positions in Vienna but instead accepted an invitation from Ita Wegman to join her clinic in Arlesheim, Switzerland. König’s time at the Clinic would shape the Camphill movement. It was here that he met his wife and co-founder, Tilla Maasberg, and it was here that he first witnessed the Advent Garden. During this festival, where children with learning disabilities circle a spiral of moss, lighting a candle from a large central beacon, he promised to ‘dedicate my life to the care and education of these children’. Following his time at Arlesheim, König moved to Germany and was involved in founding the Pilgramshain Institute – one of the early curative educational centres based on anthroposophy. However, due to political pressure König was forced to leave Germany in 1936. He returned to Vienna where he ran a successful medical practice and led anthroposophical study groups until 1938. Karl König and the Camphill Movement Fleeing Austria after Nazi annexation in 1938, König was part of a small group of doctors, teachers and artists to be granted political asylum in the United Kingdom during 1939. König moved to Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where this group founded a home for children with learning disabilities that became the beginning of the Camphill movement. After the Second World War, more schools were founded as well as curative education villages for adults with disabilities, based on the ideal of working together as a community. In the following decades, König’s Aberdeenshire community grew and expanded into Britain, Europe and America, becoming the Camphill movement we recognise today. During this period, König worked tirelessly to help children and adults with special needs through publications, talks and seminars – and by founding communities the world over. Karl König returned to Germany in 1964, founding another community near Überlingen. He died there in 1966. Today, the Camphill movement he established includes more than 100 communities in over 20 different countries.