Where I have lived

This I am asked a lot

Especially when the people find out that I am not English then the next question usually is where are you from and the one that follows is usually where else have you lived by where did you like it best….

People are made so simple… Same questions all the time…

So first things first, I was born and raised in Vienna Austria. I have served a 24 month mission in the Montreal Canada Mission. So if we stay in North America for a while. My family has a holiday apartment that we use for our family holidays in Miami Beach at Seacoast Towers and as long as I can remember every school holiday or Christmas holiday we went to that apartment. So from age 4 onwards I’ve been to Miami at least twice a year. It’s a nice 4 bedroom penthouse with two balconies, and a large living room. I studied in Provo, Utah at BYU to get my BA and MBA. and lived in Salt Lake City, Atlanta GA, New York NY, Washington DC,  San Francisco CA, Subiaco AR, Gethsemane KY,  Denver Co, Dallas Tx, Texarkana TX, Miami FL, Fort Lauderdale FL, Springfield MO, Los Angeles CA, 

Here in Europe I’ve lived and worked in several places. Munich Germany, Berlin Germany, Leipzig Germany, Vienna Austria, Linz Austria, London UK, Northampton UK, Whitley Bay UK, Paris France.

Where I liked it best

I think it is a difficult thing to put your favourite place in one sentence but generally if I take everything into account such as

  • People
  • Value for Money
  • Weather
  • Location
  • Food (I love good food)

then it has to be the US, the people are generally much more friendly then here in Europe, easier to talk to, and weather wise well you can’t get it any worse then here in the North of England where it’s even only 20C in the summer. 

American food is generally good and the prices are lower than in many European countries. While all the immigrants that came to the US over the centuries have left their traces in cooking and culture. Honestly I’ve not experienced such a rich culture anywhere else. Yes here in Europe we have a great past but we have in many places forgotten to take that past to the present. So this is a little bit about the places I have lived, I could probably write many more posts about each and every city I’ve lived at which I might do in the future. This blog is young and I will see what is going to happen with it.

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About the author

Mark Pammesberger,
Digital marketer, entrepreneur and world citizen.

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